JWMI550 Group Project Part B


Assignment: Assignment Part B Kaizen

Course: JWI550 Operations Management


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DayTimeSession TopicLean ToolsOutput/DeliverablesRational
108:00 – 08:15Welcome / Introductions  We will briefly get to know one another, our position with the company and a bit of our professional backgrounds
108:15 – 08:30Set Ground Rules and expectationsProject Charter Discuss the reason for the kaizen, and set ground rules for the event
108:30 – 09:00Define the kaizen and its charterSIPOCProject Charter and diagram stating customer and deliverablesWe will provide framework for the event and introduce Lean manufacturing
109:00 – 09:45Document current state of the saw and bar end processPost-It note (PIN) process mapOverall group agreement of the current process by creating a PIN mapPIN map the current process. This will allow the team to see how the current process work and will allow them to think about possible improvements for day 2
109:45 – 10:00Break   
110:00 – 11:00Define current process problems (Root cause analysis)C&E Ranking(DMAIC)Identify the current process problems and rank themThe team will identify and agree on the ranking of the process problems from worst to least. This will help the team to focus on the biggest problems first.
111:00 – 11:30Consolidate the findingsProject Charter `Updated Project CharterUpdate the documentation and charter to reflect decisions and data
111:30 – 12:00Report/Update to SponsorProject CharterUpdated Project CharterContinuously updating documentation and charter to reflect decisions and data
112:00Close for the day   
DayTimeSession TopicLean ToolsOutput/DeliverablesRational
208:00 – 08:15Day 1 Recap  The team will review the workings from day one. This will allow the team to get into the proper mindset for the kaizen.
208:15 – 08:45Review Day 2 Agenda  Review with the team the objectives for the current days activities
208:45 – 10:00Identify opportunities for improvement on PIN process mapSMART GoalsIdentify opportunities to improve process problemsThe team will brainstorm ideas on process improvements and add their ideas to the PIN map
210:00 – 10:15Break   
210:15 – 11:15Outline future state VSM and improvement phasesSpaghetti DiagramBrainstorm, analysis and populate future state VSMThe team will come up with innovating ideas and can think outside the box by removing broken process, and other non-value add steps
211:30 – 12:00Consolidate the findings and Report/Update to SponsorProject CharterUpdated Project CharterUpdate the documentation and charter to reflect decisions and data
212:00Close for the day   
DayTimeSession TopicLean ToolsOutput/DeliverablesRational
308:00 – 08:15Day 2 Recap  The team will review the workings from day one and two. This will allow the team to get into the proper mindset for the kaizen.
308:15 – 08:45Review Day 3 Agenda  Review with the team the objectives for the current days activities
308:45 – 09:30Review future state VSMBrainstormingReview and finalize the future state VSMThe team will review the prior days future state VSM, make any needed adjustments and finalize the VSM
309:30 – 09:45Break   
309:45 – 11:00Crate action plan and deliverables for 30/60/90 day plansAction PlanList of action plans and action ownersThe team will agree on improvement action plans, who is to perform them and when they will be delivered by
311:00 – 11:30Prepare final summary report and presentationDocumentationPowerPoint PresentationAll discussed items are to be finalized, written up in a summary and the final presentation to be created
311:30 – 12:00Schedule post action reviews  Team will schedule post action reviews to allow the facilitator to receive continues feedback and make necessary adjustments to plan
312:00Close Event and deliver final report Approval to implement changesOrganizer will present project to upper management to see if they will approve the implementation

Introductions, Setting Ground Rules and Expectations

  • This kaizen event will focus on improving the bar end (scrap) removal process. The event that will be held the next three days and will last half the day each day. As reviewed during assignment 1, at the end of the saw process there is material left over that can either be returned to inventory to be used to make another part or the end is too short and is considered scrap. The bar end scrap is presently not being handled and the finance team just did a major cleanup of the scrap and system inventory to get it under control. Now that the cleanup is complete, we will be focusing on how to maintain the current inventory and ensure the scrap does not grow and get out of hand again. Currently, only a few saw employees will transact the scrap out of the system, others will put it back into raw material and others just put the scrap pieces in a random spot. The purpose of the kaizen is to identify the inconsistencies with the handling of the bar ends, brainstorm possible procedures, choose the best suited process and then discuss how to implement the new process.
  • Bar End Kaizen Agenda
    • Day 1 – Orientation and Understanding of Current Process
    • Day 2 – Develop actions for resolving problems and develop future state Value Stream Map (VSM)
    • Day 3 – Finalize future state VSM, confirm teams action plans and report final presentation
  • The facility is short staffed and we all were many hats within the organization. Our work load is intense and missing multiple days of work can be stressful. I thought it would be less stressful on the group to have half day kaizen meetings. This allows the team to worry less about the work load that is piling and focus more on the event itself. The sequence of the event was kept short and sweet but allows the team to successfully tackle the topics at hand. Below is a more detailed explanation of the agenda topics.

By having an introduction, it allows the facilitator to better understand their team on a personal level. It also allows the facilitator to get a better understanding of each teammates skill sets so action plans can be properly assigned to each teammate. Each teammate will be a supervisor of a department that in some way handles bar ends and scrap parts. By setting the ground rules and expectations of the kaizen, this clearly states to the team what is expected of not only them but the event itself. The team will have full understanding of the event, the issue at hand and why it is such a troublesome issue.


A SIPOC diagram helps define a project that may not be well scoped. By using this diagram, the team will have a better understanding of the process that is currently in place. The tool allows the team to look closely at the inputs of the process, so they can bet better analyzed.

Post-It Note (PIN) process map

By using the PIN process map this allows the team to easily and neatly develop and make changes to the process map as needed. The PIN process map allows for easy management and expansion of ideas. With post it notes being in multiple colors it is easy to distinguish different parts of the mapping process. For example, one color can represent the current process, another color can represent the process problems and so on.


Sitting in a meeting for hours on end can be very daunting and teammates can lose focus. Having a break gives the team time to relax, stretch to get the blood flowing and regroup their ideas. It will help keep the team engaged and help them focus on the event.

C&E Ranking

By identifying and ranking the process problems, this will allow the team to get a better knowledge of the process and focus on the bigger problems in the process first. Focusing on the bigger problems first can either help also solve smaller problems or allows the team to focus on the more important parts if time becomes a constraint.

Consolidating findings and Reporting to the Sponsor

Consolidating the findings gives the team a chance to recap the work performed during the days meeting. It allows the facilitator to organize the days thoughts in a manner that then can be presented to the sponsor, giving the sponsor an update to the project.

Recap and Agenda review

Each meeting following the first day will consist of a recap from the previous meetings and a review of the agenda for the day. By having a recap, the team can be refreshed of the work previously performed and bring their attention to the kaizen. Reviewing the current days agenda will set an expectation for the current days’ work and outcome.


SMART is an acronym to describe a goal setting and communication standard which have specific characteristics. By using this goal writing tool, the team can clearly write and understand the goals for the improved process.

S – be specific and clear

M – measurable goals

A -goals must be attainable or achievable

R – goals must be realistic and help to reach the end goal

T – goals must be time based and have achievable due dates

Spaghetti Diagram

Using a spaghetti diagram allows the team to branch off certain parts of the PIN process map, identify problems and room for improvements. The team will be able to create more detail for each step of the process and map it clearly. Using this tool, the team will brainstorm to generate a future state VSM.

Action Plans

When the future state VSM is finalized, the team is to identify actions that will help to get to the future state VSM. Each action plan will be clearly stated, assigned to the appropriate action owner and given a completion date. The team will create action plans and deliverables for the 30/60/90 day plans.

Prepare final presentation

At the end of the event the team will work with the facilitator to put together a final summary of the project. At this time the facilitator can receive feedback from the team about the parts of the kaizen they found efficient or needed improvement. All of the documentation over the last three days will get organized by the facilitator and put into a presentation that will be presented to upper management. The presentation needs to be clear, concise and brief. Upon giving the final presentation upper management will then approve or deny the implementation of the changes to the process.

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